Adorable stuffed animal


Squirrel is brown and white and smooshably large. He grew up on the shores of Power’s Pond in Canada with his mom, dad, and extended family. He and his friends regularly visit Squirrel’s family. It was at his family’s home that Squirrel’s engineering skills were developed. It was here that the blueprints for his time machine were drafted. Currently, he has a shed where his inventions are brought to life.

It was Christmas when Squirrel came to live with his best friend, Liam. The young lad was often seen smooshing his face into his new best friend. After sustained cuddling, Squirrel’s face become de-fluffed. It is the unfortunate consequence of being so soft yet so cuddly.

Squirrel features in the following tale:

Interesting Facts:

  • Squirrel is a fast runner
  • He likes to eat blueberries
  • His favorite colour is yellow