Three Stuffed Bears

Cuddle Bear’s Birthday

In honour of National Waffle Iron Day, please enjoy the following tale about how Cuddle Bear received a very special birthday gift.


In the weeks leading up to Cuddle Bear‘s birthday, his entire family began to ask him the same question: what did he want for his birthday? The little bear, who did not want any fuss, would answer simply: “nothing”. He would answer them very nicely, of course; however, if someone asked twice, he would repeat himself very slowly. That way, they knew he was being super serious.

“Maybe a cake and a party but, please, no gifts,” he would say, if pressed,

Unsurprisingly, this stance did not sit well with his mommy. Cuddle Bear was going to get a gift for his birthday, and that was that.


In the days leading up to Cuddle Bear’s birthday, his mommy was busy cleaning the house and gathering supplies. She received a lot of help from her sisters and their little cubs, Teddy and Baby. The Bear cub’s number one job was to keep Cuddle out of the house as much as possible. The three little Bear cousins were the very best of friends. Cuddle was the oldest and the smallest. Baby was the youngest and the biggest. And Teddy was just right in the middle.

One morning, Mommy Bear was making breakfast for her son and nephews. She looked over at her cute little son.

“Why is he being so difficult,” thought Mommy. The most adorable bear had successfully stone walled her and now, the day before his birthday, she did not have a single gift. She definitely had a headache. She washed the berries thinking, she thought while she put bumblebees on the plates, and, finally, while slicing a turnip, she gave up pondering. A great gift idea would only come to her, she rationed, when she stopped looking for an answer.

Cuddle Bear watched his mom make breakfast. She was being awfully quiet. He knew just what she was thinking. His mom was so easy to outsmart. All he had to do was nothing. He knew she was watching him in stores, so that little bear did play with one single toy in any store. But today he was hungry and wanted food. He walked over to his mommy and looked up.

“Waffles?” asked Cuddle Bear.


The next morning, little Cuddle Bear woke up with a smile on his face. The sunshine was pouring in through the window and he could hear birds chirping. It was a beautiful day.

As he was coming down the stairs, Cuddle could hear the radio.

[“And now, on a lighter note,” said the D.J., “Today is National Waffle Iron Day. Did you know this was a thing?”

“No,” said his co-host, “But I feel like it really should be a thing. How many times have I wondered what to make for dinner. I think this holiday answers that question, you know.”]

As Cuddle entered the kitchen, his mommy and two cousins yelled, “Happy Birthday!”

The birthday bear smiled brightly. The only thing that turned his mood was the present sitting on the table.

“What is this?” asked Cuddle, “I really didn’t want a present.”

“It isn’t just for you, silly,” said Mommy Bear, “It’s for everyone.”

“What is it?” asked Teddy.

“Open it,” said Baby.

“Okay, okay,” said Cuddle. He carefully unwrapped the present and, when he saw the box, a big smile returned to his face.

“A Chef Master 500WD Waffle Iron!” he yelled. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

Mommy Bear smiled and said, “Happy Birthday. Did anyone want waffles for breakfast?”

It would be a very good day.


CLICK here to print the Cuddle Bear’s Birthday coloring page

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